PRESTIGE Card - eco leather

PRESTIGE Card  - eco leather
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PRESTIGE Card - eco leather

Product description

Menu card Prestige K is made of high quality eco leather imported from Italy, in the DUO system, which prevents the material from tearing on edges. Plastic sleeves and own printouts can be fitted inside the card, using brass screws. Sleeves/sheets can be changed one one's own.

Detailed features:
- standard formats A4, 3/4 A4, A5,
- also non-standard formats available,
- vast choice of colours of eco leather, a sampler available on request.
Options of finishes:
- sponge under the surface material - card is soft to the touch,
- concealed brass fixing screws - screws do not untwist and get lost,
- decorative metal corners - secure corners against tearing,
- embossed logo,
- embossed gilded logo - other colours of embossing available,
- inscriptions "Menu" "Menu Card" and "Wine Card" can be embossed/gilded using our dies,
- crystalline plastic sleeves thick or medium.



We recommend elegant papers for menu cards - to view them click here.



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Price from: 12,54 €

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